Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another Poem

Can you imagine anything greater

Our love growing even stronger

I have such a fiery passion

My heart burs for your attention

I wonder what could drive me crazy

Seeing as though I’m really lazy

As to express this love that makes

Me hazy I seem to recall a dazzling

Beauty I also recall the dream of love

Full of passion for you my dove

I’m fighting for you for I cannot

Hold on to this burning love

From beyond I’ve seen your smile

And my I must say it truly

Brightens my crazy day

I cast a love spell upon you dear

Don’t worry my angel have no fear

You simply have the curse of beauty

You are such a wonderful dazzling cutie

I’m in love with you for all eternity

Let us drift into smooth anxiety

Close your eyes under the stars

And drift away in this hollowly car

I wish to kiss you in the night

Under the bright moonlight

I want to cuddle and hold you tight

Take my hand and fear no fright

For love seethes in the air

Without a hint of danger far or near

No matter what happens to us my dear

I will never ever bring you into fear

You are so precious and important to me

I’d die without you don’t you see

I need you in my arms love

I’m nothing without you my wonderful dove

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your love

I love you angel……………………….


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